Play Fair


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  • This cover is available ‘as is’ upon request in art-only JPG format.
    Personalization: Color changes, print resize, and minor tweaks are free at time of purchase.
    Typography: Book title, author name, and byline/quotes are free at time of purchase.
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Image Information
Image File: 2 MB Front Cover, 300 DPI
Image Size: 2100×3000 pixels/7×10 inches/17.78×25.4 cm
Stock Photography by:

Product Enquiry

My name is Rebecca, I’m a self-taught artist with a love for epic fantasy, sword and sorcery, dark fiction, and otherworldly vistas. I’ve created book covers for USA Today and New York Times best-selling authors and recently opened a dedicated premade store with an option for same-day ‘instant download’ artwork for the DIY author. I work in a variety of genres and post ‘batches’ each week. Or try to :-)
If you have any questions, send an email or a DM via X or Facebook under the user name ‘atrtink.’

Thanks for stopping by!

