Original size 1600 x 2560 px, can be resized and sent as JPG, PNG, or PDF. Elements can be changed.
Full paperback wrap available for an additional $40.
A snapshot photo taped up of a young black woman, with red X’s spray painted across her eyes and a smile across her lips. A messy smiley face is in the corner of the photo.
1 in stock
Original size 1600 x 2560 px, can be resized and sent as JPG, PNG, or PDF. Elements can be changed.
Full paperback wrap available for an additional $40.
Kit Barrie is an independent author of queer literature. She loves making book covers and has made many of her own. She is open for commission; she prefers images and objects over models. She does NOT use AI art, and all art used in the creation of her covers are used with a paid license that can be provided if needed. Please visit her website, external link removed, to find more information about her books and other services.
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