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HOW TO SELL MORE COVERS – Your Ultimate Guide


How To Sell More Covers – Your Ultimate Guide


How to become a best-selling cover designer on The Book Cover Designer website?

We know you want to start selling more covers on the website and making more profits through your creations. That’s why we’ve put together a guide that will help you become a best-selling designer.


  1.    Step one: Quality over Quantity

It may sound like a cliché, but when your clients (authors or publishing houses) look for a cover, they don’t want to see a portfolio filled with hundreds of pre-made book covers. They want to see quality covers and they won’t care if you have 30 or 50 pre-mades on your page, as long as the final results are outstanding. Don’t upload tons of covers at once hoping they will get sold faster because their number is high. Submit the creations you’re satisfied with and aim higher with each new book cover.

  1.    Step two: Avoid being too specific

If you have a concept for your cover, which includes tons of specific elements, you’re lowering your chances of getting your cover sold. What does this mean? For example, if you design a cover that has a romantic couple on it, many authors and publishing houses will be looking forward to buying it. However, if the cover includes the couple, as well as several other people, a background that shows a big city landmark and similar additional elements, you will be lowering the chances for a client to be searching for the exact same concept that you had in mind when you designed your cover. The less specific and less “overcrowded” a cover is, the faster it will get sold.

  1.    Step three: Submit in the right category

Always submit your book covers in the right categories. This way when a client is browsing through his/her ideal category, he/she will find your cover easily.

  1.    Step four: Pay attention to typography

Designing the images for your covers is your main focus as a book cover designer, but don’t underestimate the effect a nice typography has. Pay attention to the fonts you want to use, their style, colors and effects. They will represent the author’s name and book title, which means they have to be eye-catching and bring the reader’s attention, as well as the author’s one.

  1.    Step five: Be creative

Creativity is what authors and publishing houses are looking for. They want something fresh that will make the books stand out. Be creative when designing your book covers and they will grab your potential clients’ attention.

  1.    Step six: Promote your covers

Use social media, forums, and other websites to promote your own work. If you have a Twitter account, follows us so that we can feature your name and a link to your profile in the daily cover updates we post in order to promote our designers. Use your personal and professional social media accounts to insert links to your designer page on The Book Cover Designer website and don’t be shy about displaying your book covers.

You can follow us on Twitter: @TheBkCvrDesignr and Facebook: The Book Cover Designer

  1.    Step seven: Don’t forget to have fun

Being a book cover designer can bring you a sufficient amount of income, especially if your covers are selling fast. Regardless of your current success on our website, don’t forget to have fun while coming up with new designs for book covers. It will show in the final results!


If you’d like to stay tuned on daily updates on book covers, designers and all things related to the website, you can follow us on Facebook: The Book Cover Designer and Twitter: @TheBkCvrDesignr



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Here’s A Warm Welcome To Our New Designers!

Hello everyone!

We are super excited to give a warm welcome to all of our newest designers here at The Book Cover Designer website – your one stop shop for the perfect book cover! Our pre-made ebook and paperback/hardcover book covers have surpassed the 6,000 milestone we set at the beginning of this year and they are currently nearing 6,500!

In the past couple of months we have seen and shared an incredible portion of growth and success with vendors and authors from all over the world and we are thrilled to welcome more than 20 new designers since the start of 2016!

If you’d like to stay tuned on daily updates on book covers, designers and all things related to the website, you can follow us on Facebook: The Book Cover Designer and Twitter: @TheBkCvrDesignr



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More Dystopia Covers Wanted!


We here at The Book Cover Designer aim to provide the best marketplace so that you can sell your awesome book covers on your own terms and conditions, on your own prices, and most of all – on a user-friendly interface. Which is exactly why we would like to share with you a little secret we’ve learned about your customers.

In recent years the Dystopia genre grew much larger than we could have ever imagined. Blockbuster movie franchises and TV shows like The Hunger Games, Divergent, The Maze Runner, Iron Man, The Colony, Oblivion, The Walking Dead, The 100, and so on have sparked an interest towards audiences of all ages, which in turn, has sparked the interest of many authors. Tons of up and coming, already acclaimed or even newbie writers are trying to break into the Dystopia genre, which is why we need more Dystopia/ Post-Apocalyptic/ Disaster book covers on the website.

We have gathered a small collection of the most vivid pre-made Dystopia book covers on our website (check the attached image featuring 10 book covers). We need more covers like these! If you’re interested in rebranding your style or if you’re secretly a Dystopia fan, this is your chance to show off your new designs!




P. S.: As always, it will take up to 72 hours for us to review your submissions. In case you have submitted more than a few covers at once, we will approve them in batches of 4 or 5 so that our front page won’t be overloaded by only one designer’s creations.


If you’d like to stay tuned on daily updates on book covers, designers and all things related to the website, you can follows us on Facebook: The Book Cover Designer and Twitter: @TheBkCvrDesignr 


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Massive February SALE!


Attention, authors and designers! We’re holding a massive sale on all Romance/Erotica book covers on The Book Cover Designer!

Till the end of February all Romance/Erotica book covers will have a 10% sale in honor of the month of love and Valentine’s Day! If you want to take advantage of this sale, you can get your discount by entering the code valentines16 at checkout. The sale is running from the 1st to the 29th of February 2016.


If you’d like to stay tuned on daily updates on book covers, designers and all things related to the website, you can follows us on Facebook: The Book Cover Designer and Twitter: @TheBkCvrDesignr 


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Happy New 2016!

Happy New 2016 to all our book cover designers and authors!

We are excited to welcome a new year filled with creativity and growth. Ever since The Book Cover Designer’s launch back in 2012 the marketplace has grown and expanded in unimaginable ways. 2015 was a wonderful year for both vendors and authors. We have reached so many milestones and accomplishments and we promise to make 2016 even better for all our designers and their clients. The Book Cover Designer currently has nearly 6,000 pre-made book covers. We are working with over 100 vendors from all over the world and they are producing high quality pre-made and custom ebook and paperback/hardcover covers. We get new submissions on daily basis, so if you’re an author and you’re reading this – make sure you keep an eye on the website and not miss the opportunity to grab your next best seller’s awesome book cover!

We wish you a great flow of creativity, success and positive experience on The Book Cover Designer website throughout 2016.

If you’d like to stay tuned on daily updates on book covers, designers and all things related to the website, you can follows us on Facebook: The Book Cover Designer and Twitter: @TheBkCvrDesignr 

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Book Cover Image Size Updates


Hello everyone!

A few days ago we introduced a small update to the website’s submissions page. As of now, each time you upload an image, which is larger than 1800px by 1800px, our system will automatically resize the image so that it won’t be bigger than 1800px by length. We know that you want to upload bigger images to that your clients can see your book covers in better detail. However, we felt like we had to introduce this update so that this way our hosting will provide more storage space for even more awesome book covers. Don’t worry, when the system resizes your images it won’t lower their resolution or quality.



If you’d like to stay tuned on daily updates on book covers, designers and all things related to the website, you can follows us on Facebook: The Book Cover Designer and Twitter: @TheBkCvrDesignr 

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A Warm Welcome To Our Newest Designers

Hello everyone!

We are super excited to give a warm, wintery welcome to all of our newest designers here at The Book Cover Designer. Our pre-made ebook and paperback/hardcover book covers have grown to more than 5,000, which is an incredible milestone for the marketplace.

It has been a wonderful year of growth and success for both vendors and authors and we are thrilled to welcome the new 2016 and see where it will take us.

If you’d like to stay tuned on daily updates on book covers, designers and all things related to the website, you can follow us on Facebook: The Book Cover Designer and Twitter: @TheBkCvrDesignr