“Red Hunt” was designed in 1800x 2700 pixel, 300 dpi resolution as ebook cover.
A customizable paperback cover ican be designed for additional 50 usd (paypal fees excluded) to be sent to my own paypal in advance. I can do minor changes as adding/removing a tagline, adding a publishing house logo or a space for your ISBN barcode for free.
For my covers I use either my own hand-drawn illustrations or my DAZ3D renders, often creating my own characters with the latter. This means if you are interested in having a cover for a sequel, promotional artwork or internal illustrations, there’s often the possibility of using the same rendered character/s for realizing what you want. I do offer additional services for character design art, illustration scenes, bookmarks, promotional posters or banners. If you have any questions, or you want a custom made bookcover, feel free to contact me on Instagram at @anthebookcoverdesign05.
Product Enquiry
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